Celebrate Environment Sunday on 8th June!

How will your church celebrate Environment Sunday this year?

Planting the raised bedWill you hold a service with an environment/Creation theme? Will you have a Walk/Cycle to Church Sunday, encouraging those fit and able to come to church in a carbon-neutral fashion? Or perhaps you will organise a nature walk or a litter pick? Or plant a tree? Or some seeds? Or invite everyone to take part in a 100-mile bring and share lunch (ie. eating only food produced within a 100-mile radius)?

The possibilities are endless! There’s so many great ways to mark Environment Sunday on 8th June – they can also be huge fun and can include all ages!

Parish PicnicEnvironment Sunday is the perfect opportunity for churches everywhere to demonstrate their responsibility to care for Creation and to become agents of change.

Let us know how you plan to mark Environment Sunday by emailing [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

You will find some useful resources that A Rocha has produced for Environment Sunday by clicking here.

Good Grp Church 2Mb JFEnvironment Sunday is always the Sunday nearest the United Nation’s World Environment Day, which falls on 5th June each year.

World Environment Day is celebrated in different ways throughout the world, including street rallies and parades, concerts, tree-planting, and clean-up campaigns. In many countries, this annual event is used to enhance political attention and action towards improving the environment.

World Environment Day 2014 will be celebrated under the theme of Small Island Developing States, Rathfarnham Spring Cleanwhich ties in with 2014 being the International Year of Small Island Developing States. The goal will be to raise awareness of their unique development challenges and successes regarding a range of environmental problems, including climate change, waste management, unsustainable consumption, degradation of natural resources, and extreme natural disasters. You can find out more here.


“Planet Earth is our shared island; let us join forces to protect it.”

~ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon