The Parish of Sean McDermott Street, Dublin Celebrates Creation!

Archdiocese of DublinFr Hugh O’Donnell, a Salesian priest working in Sean McDermott Street parish, provided ECI with this update:

In the parish of Sean McDermott Street the parishioners displayed a banner outside the church announcing the ‘Season of Creation’ during September and October.  In their Eucharist they regularly remind one another that every Eucharist is celebrated ‘on the altar of the world’. At the Offertory the presence of Creation is acknowledged in the bread and wine brought to the altar and lifted in gratitude.  A common introduction to the Our Father has the congregation praying to the Father ‘with all of Creation’. At the Dismissal parishioners go to make peace with one another ‘and with every creature’.

They are small touches but significant as they point us towards the ‘ecological conversion’ we must embrace.’  ‘Every day is a day of Creation!’

Fr Hugh O’Donnell has written an article for The Furrow magazine entitled ‘The Season of Creation: A Poor Relation?’ You can read it here.