Cork Three Faiths Forum to Celebrate Earth Day 2018 – End Plastic Pollution!

Cork three faiths forum logoThe Cork Three Faiths Forum invites all to their Earth Day Celebration on Saturday 21st of April 2018 at 2pm, Bishop Lucey Park, Grand Parade, Cork.  The theme for this year is ‘End Plastic Pollution’.

Already, in less than two decades of this century, humans have produced more plastic than they did in the entire 20th century! 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year, and only 10% is recycled. Plastic does not biodegrade. Instead, over time plastic just breaks into smaller and smaller pieces.

Accumulated waste plastic is, we now know, clogging our oceans and seriously damaging marine life and habitats. Each year over 100,000 marine animals and one million birds die from ingesting and choking on plastic. Plastics also deposit harmful chemicals into our soil and groundwater causing death and illness to humans and wildlife.

In Cork the Three Faiths Forum is, for its second year, marking this day with an event in Bishop Lucey Park.  Their aim is to show solidarity with each other, the Creator and all of Creation. As Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share a common concern for creation they wish to highlight the need for us all to live in right relationship with the Earth and to collaborate with each other in order to address the causes of climate and ecological degradation.

You can learn more about Cork Three Faiths Forum on Facebook.