St Joseph the Artisan Church, Bonnybrook, Dublin receives ECI Awareness Certificate

Bonnybrook 2Margo Delaney CHF, on behalf of Care for the Earth Ministry Group, Bonnybrook sent ECI this report:

Our new ministry group, Care for the Earth, has been building on the awareness work which began through our parish pastoral council considering the document “How can I green my church?”. This was followed by small steps to create awareness of the needs of our earth – UN World Water Day when 6th class viewed a video on the preciousness of water and the need for conservation; observing Earth Hour; linking care for Mother Earth with Mother’s Day by showing the CAFOD video on “Laudato Si’, On Care for Our Common Home” to the congregation at all three Sunday Eucharists; integrating this material as part of Confirmation class preparation; issuing an open invitation to all to join Care for the Earth ministry. Now two meetings later we have:

  • Secured a section of the lawn in front of the family centre as a wildflower garden, with thriving cowslips, re clover, dandelions, daisies, etc
  • Begun to organise a biodiversity garden at the rear of the family centre, a place already rich in pollinator friendly flowers and plants and allow part to become a wildflower meadow
  • Procured a water butt for conservation of water and use in the garden
  • Provided nesting areas for insects
  • Availed of the occasion of our church refurbishment to make the building environmentally friendly
  • From time to time, made (and continue to make) care for the earth part of the intercessory prayers at Eucharist
  • Placed a weekly climate justice action in our parish newsletter under the heading, “Help us put the Bonny back into Bonnybrook by …” Example: “ To the three R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle, add COMPOST: compost your vegetable /garden waste to create rich, dark, soil”
  • Completed the check list for becoming a Green Parish
  • And today, May 21st, received Eco-Congregation Ireland Awareness Award, a wonderfully encouraging affirmation and an impetus to continue the work of caring for God’s gift to us of our beautiful world.

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Thank you to Eco-Congregation Ireland for providing the focus and resources to begin this work.