Selesian Cosmology Group Autumn Conference – Climate Change: A Limerick Response

Teresa Devine sent ECI this update:

Nellie McLoughlin RSM did a very interesting and practical presentation on Climate Change. She initiated her presentation with a quote from Hannah Hamilton, sustainability consultant specialising in biodiversity, conversation and environmental communications from the Irish Times 2019, ‘The organs of the earth are showing signs of failure and there is no transplant, no planetary dialysis machine, no intergalactic surgical wizardry that can fix them’.

Nellie, quoting Pope Francis reminded us of our interconnectedness with the entire community of life. ‘We are in constant interaction with nature’. We live out of abundance, not scarcity, but the earth’s resources are finite and the living systems – sun, water, air, soil cannot be preserved or mended with money! These systems are our natural richness.
The group had an opportunity to divide into groups that might carry forward concrete actions and make a difference to preserving a healthy environment for the present and future generations.

Thanks to all who gave time to attend this conference, it is up to each of us to keep the momentum in place and make challenging changes!