Bonnybrook Parish – The Amazing Power of Rain!

Margo Delaney from Bonnybrook Parish sent ECI this update:

In mid-April, the Care for the Earth Ministry group cleared a small area in front of the Family Centre. The aim was to create a wildflower meadow.  With enthusiasm, the grass and wildflower seeds were sown. Then came the long, wonderfully hot, dry days of May. Despite diligent watering from the harvested water in the water butt, nothing emerged but a few weak grass seedlings. Hope began to weaken.

Nature has its own rhythm: June brought abundant rains and with that emerges the colourful display of flowers and green grasses as shown below:

So now that there is a display, we can put up our sign at last!


Some time ago, Joe Jones, St Joseph’s Parish Moderator, presented the idea of creating a labyrinth for the use of local people and visitors in the nearby Stardust Park. The original labyrinth was a simple grass outline that got overgrown with the passage of time. Now, with the renewals of the park, are more permanent labyrinth has been constructed. This picture was taken by David, a member of the parish PPC.