Lacken Parish Creates an Insect Hotel!

Carmel O’Neill sent ECI this update on their new insect hotel:

In November, the 6th class pupils together with their class teacher and Carmel O’Neill embarked on a project to design and create an insect hotel in the grounds of Lacken church.

The first step was to do an audit of the church grounds and observe where examples of biodiversity already existed-rotting wood, composted leaves and leaf mould, the crack in the gable wall, home to a rare species of bee.

They outlined the reasons why insects play an important role in our eco system- primarily as an important source of food for the birds and also for bringing important nutrients to the soil. We discussed why the insect population is declining, because of loss of habitat and the use of sprays and pesticides.

The next step was to list the materials that would create a home for the insects. This brought an enthusiastic response as the children were very familiar with the common insects having observed them in their homes and gardens. We also stressed the importance of keeping the hotel dry and warm.

The following week on a bright and sunny November morning , the children arrived with their carefully chosen material from their home and set about assembling the materials in a creative and collaborative way. The caretaker had in the previous week put together the basic hotel structure using old wooden pallets and bricks.

The children really enjoyed this practical lesson, especially with the restrictions brought about by Covid. They are looking forward to seeing which insects have successfully made their home in this new environment.