Blessington, Lacken and Valleymount – Latest News

Carmel O’Neill sent us this latest news:

There were a number of ceremonies and events held throughout the month of October to celebrate the Harvest.

Deacon Gerry carried out the blessing of the stock in the townlands of Lacken. This annual blessing is much valued by the farming community who rely on sufficient rain and sunshine in the growing season for grass growth.

This was followed by the annual mass of Harvest Thanksgiving in Lacken church which this year drew a large crowd. The First Holy Communion children brought up symbols of the Harvest while some senior children sang Harvest hymns. Fr Richard read the blessing prayer for the farming community and blessed the congregation with holy water. All the produce donated was sold after mass and this raised €400.  A donation of €200 was sent to Fr Alan Whelan of the Sacred Heart missionaries who is ministering in Sudan. His parish has been affected by drought where the people rely on rain between May and October for their staple food – groundnuts.

Deacon Gerry also visited Gaelscoil na Lochanna for their annual ceremony of Thanksgiving for the beauty of Creation and the blesssings of harvest time.

Throughout the month of October, the rosary was led each Thursday by pastoral worker Aine. On Thurs October 20th Aine offered the joyful mysteries of the Rosary for Care of the Earth. Meditations and reflections were read from the CAFOD Care of Creation Rosary. “We invoke the guidance of Our Lady in finding new ways of living with creation and of being global neighbours”.

Progress is ongoing with the creation of a market garden at the rear of the parochial house Valleymount. The Men’s Shed group have cleared the ground of weeds and bramble and are now ready to put in the raised beds and fill them with compost.

Planning for the Wildflower garden at the rear of Lacken church has entered a new phase with the sowing of yellow rattle seed harvested from wildflower area in the village. The area was scarified, a layer of leaf mould scattered and the yellow rattle sown. The Tidy Village group have also been working on the next phase of planting bee pollinator bulbs along the verges entering the village. We look forward to a colourful display of Alium, crocus, anemone and Tulip in the Spring.