Latest News from Johnstown Parish Eco Group

Geraldine Murphy sent us this update:

The Johnstown Parish Eco Group have been working on the church gardens since last summer.  We now intend to plant fuscia, lavender and other pollinator friendly shrubs and flowers. 

For the last fortnight, we have had a Climate Action Tree in the church.  We invited parishioners to make a pledge or prayer to reduce their carbon footprint and hang it on the tree.  Some examples:  Walk more and use the car less; use public transport; print less documents saving paper; buy only what is on my shopping list; buy my clothes from Charity shops.

A third action we, in Johnstown, Killiney Parish, have taken recently is to sell Fairtrade items after three Masses on weekend 4th/5th March, including tea, coffee, wine, jam, marmalade, chocolate and bananas amounting to approximately €500.