Eco-congregations are needed more than ever in the wake of Paris climate agreement

Ven Andrew OrrThe signing of the Paris climate agreement was a defining moment. For the first time, 196 countries agreed on the climate science and on a common goal.

The agreement commits countries to keep the global temperature rise to well below two degrees Celsius, while making all efforts to keep to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Nevertheless, there was a significant gap between the ambition and the actions that are promised.

For the agreement to work, it will require all of us to keep the pressure on our governments and to continue with our own lifestyle changes.

Eco-congregations are needed now more than ever because it is local communities who can work together on environmental issues; doing this will demonstrate how these changes can be made and will show our politicians that climate change is an issue that really matters to people.

~ Ven Andrew Orr, Chairperson, Eco-Congregation Ireland