Selesian Cosmology Team – Rethinking ecological education for a new covenant with our planetary home

Selesian photoSalesian Cosmology Team took the initiative to offer two second level schools in Limerick some valuable input on Care of our Common Home during the second and third term of this scholastic year.  The schools visited were Nano Nagle Secondary School and Thomond College.  The young people were very receptive in both schools and it hoped that the sections in their religious programme which deals with religious traditions and the environment will lead to a deeper awareness of responsibility and growth in planetary citizenship.

The group is hopeful that further sessions will be organised in an effort to address this urgent theme in the lives of young people who are living in an ambient of excessive consumerism.  It is incumbent on all of us to promote more sustainable lifestyles in the lives of young people.

The Cosmology Team hosted the visit of a leader from the Guarani Indigenous Community, Brazil, Ladio Veron.  The Guarani community in Brazil has a total population of 47,000, and they have been trying to recover a small portion of their original land. However, they have been facing violent resistance from the wealthy ranchers and plantation owners. The tribe has lost almost 95% of its ancestral land to industrial scale biofuels, and sugarcane and soya plantations.