Season of Creation … Time for Creation across the Diocese of Kerry

Diocese of Kerry logoFrom 1 September to 4 October the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee of the Diocese of Kerry has organised three events and also drawn up a leaflet with this year’s focus on Cherishing God’s Gift of Food, providing practical ways to reduce food waste. All parishes are receiving multiple copies of this leaflet and copies of posters to highlight the 3 diocesan events.

Time for Creation will open on 1 September with a celebration of World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation in Tralee Town Park at 6.45pm. St. Francis invites us to see nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us … Teach us to contemplate You in the beauty of the universe,  for all things speak of You Pope Francis, Laudato Si’.

The 2nd event is entitled Reducing Food Waste and Composting. Simple Practical Ways with Donal O’Leary in the John Paul II Pastoral Centre Killarney at 8pm. People are invited to ensure their place by registering at [email protected] or phone 064 663244. Donal, based in Macroom, is well known for his master composting classes and works with schools and community groups. Everything in the world is connected! Caring for eco-systems demands far-sightedness Pope Francis, Laudato Si’

The 3rd event Being Creative with Leftovers. A Cookery Demonstration with Mark Doe will take place on Thursday 28 September in St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre, Tralee at 8pm. Again people are encouraged to register. Mark Doe who lives and works in Firies, Co. Kerry is also well known for his classes and regular slot on Radio Kerry. The poster for this event includes these words approximately a third of all food produced is discarded … whenever food is thrown out, it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor Pope Francis, Laudato Si’.

Members of JPIC will also highlight Time for Creation using Radio Kerry and local media.

The 3-way leaflet gives suggestions for parish events all based around cherishing food and reducing food waste including having a parish picnic, and buying local and seasonal products. Full details and copies of the leaflet and the posters are also available on the diocesan website.

Sylvia Thompson, JPIC, Diocese of Kerry