Take the Laudato Si Pledge for Season of Creation 2017!

Live Laudato Si logoThe Laudato Si Pledge is a global campaign by the Global Catholic Climate Movement and its member organizations to raise awareness of the Encyclical’s message and to encourage the Catholic community to take action with the urgency required by the climate crisis.  The goal is to get 1 million Catholics to sign the LS Pledge and bring Laudato Si to life!

This pledge is as follows:

Answering Pope Francis’ urgent call in Laudato Si, I pledge to:

  • Pray for and with creation
  • Live more simply
  • Advocate to protect our common home

Signatories of the pledge will receive suggestions on how to bring the encyclical into action through prayer, lifestyle changes, and advocacy initiatives organized by GCCM and its member organizations.  For more information visit the Live Laudato Si website.  Lots of information is also available in this online document.

Pope Francis