Nun’s Cross Church, Killiskey Parish September Celebration of God’s Creation!

Killiskey 10Nun’s Cross Church, Church of Ireland Killiskey Parish celebrated God’s creation this September by holding a festival of flowers, an animal blessing service and Select Vestry member, Anne Newton, supplied Eco Tips for their September monthly announcements sheet.

Their festival formed part of the celebrations for their bi-centenary and was held on 1st to 3rd September 2017. The church had approximately 30 arrangements, including some by parishioners and arrangers from counties Wicklow, Dublin and Wexford.  Each arrangement illustrated a part of the overall theme – Through all the Changing Scenes of Life and had an accompanying hymn or scripture verse. The entry fee included tea and parishioners linked with Mount Usher Gardens on a 2-for-1 voucher basis.  The festival was followed by a Songs of Praise service based on the overall theme. A very rewarding event for all!  You can read an article on their festival here.

This year’s Animal Blessing Service took place on Sunday 24th September. Everyone was encouraged to bring dogs, cats, sheep, cows or other animals, controlled by a leash or other suitable restraint of course! Lots more photos of Killiskey’s events can be viewed on their website.
Eco-tips for September by Anne Newton – Fresh Air and Exercise

It’s autumn again and children will be returning to school, third level students to college — and hours will be spent sitting indoors in classes/lectures. It is really important that the youngsters get outside at lunch time or in the evening for a) fresh air and b) exercise. Increasing numbers of studies indicate the devastating health implications for those who do not, e.g. obesity, mental issues. For all of us, not just students, the positive effects are huge — e.g. it has been shown that walking in woods or along beaches can be beneficial for depression. So get out the bikes, the  walking shoes, the wellies, the balls, the skipping ropes. Let the children play in mud, kick a ball and take a break from small screens for a couple of hours. You could try lobbying local councils to ensure that parks are built into future housing developments in your area, so that everyone has close access to space with trees.

Nun’s Cross Church, Church of Ireland Killiskey Parish is on Facebook where you can view lots of their photos and events!