Update on Global Webinar held by Trócaire and the Global Catholic Climate Movement

trocaireThe next global ecumenical fossil fuel divestment announcement will take place on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, 4th October. In preparation for this, Trócaire, together with the Global Catholic Climate Movement, held a global webinar on the topic of ‘prophetic voices for climate justice’. The webinar was addressed by Professor Luigino Bruni, a leading scholar in the field of civil economy, with expertise on religion and economics. Lorna Gold of Trócaire also gave an overview of a new handbook for Catholic institutions to support divestment decisions which is currently under preparation. The webinar was well attended, with over 120 registrations, 30 of which were from Ireland. The webinar and accompanying resources can be downloaded the GCCM divestment hub: http://catholicclimatemovement.global/divest-and-reinvest/

You will also find the link to the ‘fossil free pledge’ on that page.

For those interested in exploring financial divestment and climate change further, please SAVE THE DATE for an address by Rev. Fletcher Harper, CEO of GreenFaith.org at the Loyola Institute, Trinity College, 16th November, 6.30pm. Please contact Lorna Gold to register your interest. [email protected]