Update on the World Meeting of Families – 21-26 August 2018

Our Common HomeJane Mellett, ‘Our Common Home’ Project Co-ordinator is tasked with ‘greening’ the WMoF event. She sent  ECI an update on this event:

Our Common Home
“In the family too, we can rethink our habits of consumption and join in caring for the environment as our common home.”  (Amoris Latetitia, 277)

Humanity has an important task – to care for the beautiful planet on which we live. Yet our current way of living is not sustainable and environmental degradation challenges us to examine our lifestyles. Pope Francis has described the Earth, our home, as ‘beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth’. Yet he also says that all is not lost; humanity is capable of rising above great challenges, choosing again what is good. It is time to enter a new and sustainable path. During WMOF2018 in Dublin we are inviting all pilgrims into a conversation about ‘Our Common Home’. Pope Francis has written to each of us, in a letter called ‘Laudato Si’, inviting us to think deeply, live wisely and love generously. He calls each of us to listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor who suffer the most from environmental destruction.

Participants at the WMOF2018 Pastoral Congress in the RDS will be able to join us at ‘Our Common Home’ spaces throughout the festival in prayer, discussion & action.

Think Deeply:

  • Visit Eco-Congregation’s Climate Justice Candle & Photo Exhibition ( in the main Prayer Space);
  • ‘Our Common Home’ Garden (St. Damian’s Monastery, Simmonscourt Rd) & join Fr. Sean McDonagh & the Laudato Si’ team as we reflect on the vast bio-diversity of our world (talks at 10am, 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 6.30pm & 7.30pm);
  • Visit ‘The Beehive Cell’ by world renowned sculptor Imogen Stuart (Simmonscourt), an interactive piece of art connecting us deeply to nature and our Irish Christian heritage.
  • Eye in the sky: Look out for ‘Our Common Home’ Globe. From WMOF2018 Dublin it will go to World Youth Day in Panama!

Live Wisely: ‘Our Common Home’ Teen Space will have workshops for teens each day including “Meet an eco-missionary” (Columbans UK Justice & Peace group); “The Earth Cube” (Focolare) & “Guardians of Creation” (Global Catholic Climate Movement). This space will be open for all ages each evening from 6-8pm. On Wednesday 22nd August in the main Family Arena there’s a workshop for families on “Care for our Common Home” @ 10am. We will also be in the Children’s Global village with seed planting workshops and drama. We have animated speakers across the programme for all.

Love Generously:
Let us listen to the cry of the earth & to our sisters and brothers who are suffering as a result of environmental destruction. We can do better. We can make a difference. We can work together as a Global Family to protect Our Common Home. Watch out for our ‘eco-moments’ across the festival including: “What’s happening to Mr. Bee?” We will be encouraging all of our pilgrims to have a ‘green’ pilgrimage: REDUCE – REUSE – RECYCLE and our eco-volunteers will be there to help!

We will be encouraging all pilgrims to tell us their eco-stories using the hastag #ourcommonhome on social media.

Some quotes from Pope Francis on the environment

“I wish to adress every person living on this planet…We need a conversation which includes everyone since the eviromental challenge we are undergoing and its human roots, concern and affects us all” (Laudato Si’ 3, 14)

“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?”
(Laudato Si’ 160)

“The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God” (Laudato Si’, 84)

Read the WMoF2018 blog – The World Meeting of Families 2018 is going green with the ‘Our Common Home’ project