Diocese of Kerry takes up challenge of climate change for Season of Creation 2019

Sylvia Thompson sent ECI this update: Diocese of Kerry

The Season is the time from September 1st to October 4th when Christian churches around the world focus on prayer and action to protect the natural world or creation and could be described as the churches’ eco time.

The words ‘Our Common Home’ are those used by Pope Francis in his letter Laudato Si’ on Care for Our Common Home, which was addressed “to every person living on the planet” (2015).

All 53 parishes across the diocese will receive copies of the leaflet which explains the theme and gives suggestions of practical actions to be taken in three areas: energy, water and waste.

The leaflet will also be available on the diocesan website www.dioceseofkerry.ie  The 5 week Season gives parishes the opportunity to include the theme in a Sunday Mass, and resources to support the leaflet will also go to parishes. The Radio Kerry programme ‘Horizons’, the daily ‘Just a Thought’ and the diocesan Facebook page will all highlight the theme across the Season.

There will be an exciting workshop in Killarney, John Paul 2 Pastoral Centre, Rock Road on Tuesday 17th September at 8pm “Climate Crisis: Food, Floods and Faith” when local eco leaders, Lisa Fingleton and Martha Farrell will speak on the specific impacts of the Climate Crisis on food and floods. Local action groups will have information stands to give people the opportunity to get involved locally. These groups include Transition Kerry, Kerry Climate Action Network, Kerry Sustainable Energy Cooperative (KSEC), Grow It Yourself (GIY), the Climate Action Regional  Office (CARO) and of course Trócaire.

There will be a warm welcome for all.

“The climate crisis requires our decisive action, here and now and the Church is fully committed to plating her part.”  Pope Francis.

This is an initiative of the Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation Committee of the Diocese.