An Update from Blessington Parish

Carmel O’Neill sent us this news:

Blessington Tidy Towns partnered with Blessington Forum to launch the first ever Christmas Jumper Swap shop during the month of November. The aim of the event was to give new life to Christmas jumpers that are no longer used or have become outgrown. Local people were asked to drop off their clean undamaged jumpers to the Blessington tourist office and collect their swap shop voucher. People were then invited to come back on Nov 25th to pick up their “new” Christmas jumper in time for the Late Late Toy Show. Unwanted jumpers were donated to charity.

During Oct Pastoral worker Aine launched the Team Hope Christmas Shoe box appeal. Participants were asked to fill a shoebox with basic toilet items, school requisites, a soft toy and a bag of sweets. Last year the parish sent 73 boxes to the children in Burkina Faso Africa. This year 117 boxes were collected which we hope will bring a smile to impoverished children in eastern Europe and Africa.

Carmel O Neill attended the conference Parishes caring for Creation in Blanchardstown on Nov 28th. Over 100 parishes in the Dublin were represented. Archbishop Dermot Farrell led the opening address and this was followed by excellent talks given by John Sweeney, Sr Nellie Mc Laughlin and Dr Lorna Gold. Archbishop’s Farrell’s address can be viewed on the Key points from his inspirational speech will be outlined in the parish newsletter in January.

The annual mass of Harvest thanksgiving was held in Lacken church on Oct 28th. Local school children  brought gifts symbolising the harvest and the Endeavour Award secured by Lacken Tidy Village this year. Prayers of thanksgiving were offered for all who produce food for the table and for those who draw a livelihood from the land. Prayers of intercession were offered for all who have suffered immense losses due to war and climate change in the past few months. 

Deacon Gerry blessed the farming community who value this blessing in these uncertain times. Donations of home baking and garden produce were sold after mass. This raised 460 euro which was sent to assist Fr Alan Neville with his mission work in South Sudan. The local school run by the Sacred heart missions provides food education and health care for the children.