Latest News from First Portadown Creation Carers Group

Anna Louise Shepherd sent us thie latest news:

The group had a meeting and along with litter picking we had a very interesting visit from Chris McCarney, the ABC council wildlife information officer who did a walk and talk along our adopted street (Watson St, in Portadown) to see how we could encourage more biodiversity in the little hidden park (Hoy’s Meadow) which is at the end of the street and has some frontage onto the river Bann. We hope to involve the youth organisations in making some bird and bat boxes for the park and the Council are happy to work with us to get these installed.

We were joined by John Medlow who is a well known environmental activist in the area and the canoeist who has done so much to clean up the banks of the river. Although a cold and frosty morning we had 13 people in attendance and fuelled by seasonal mince pies and coffee the event was enjoyed!

We will be meeting again soon to deliver cards and invitations to all the local residents to join us in the new year and get involved, and we are planning to get the bird boxes made and up for the nesting season and do the RSPB Great Garden Bird watch in January in Hoy’s Meadow.
We hope to raise awareness of textile waste in the new year with a fashion swap event and are also planning to apply to plant and maintain the local roundabout with plants to encourage pollinators.