ECI Climate Justice Candle visits Carrigaline Parish, Co Cork

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Janet Twomey from Carrigaline Parish sent ECI this report:

The candle was welcomed at Mass by our Parish Priest, Fr Patrick Fogarty and by the boys and the girls of St. John’s National School. Fran Deasy, a member of our Parish ‘Care for Creation Group’ lit the candle for the first time at this Mass.  Fr Pat made a huge effort to include mention of the candle in the liturgies of each of the Masses throughout the week.  We also included the candle’s presence at the liturgy of the Corpus Christi Procession.

Sr Anne wrote up some lovely pieces on the importance of minding creation in the weekly church bulletin which is distributed to homes throughout the parish.  We had a closing ceremony at Mass to bid the candle goodbye as it leaves on its next journey to Limerick.  Fr Pat, our Parish Priest invited me to the altar to read the Prayer for the Earth from Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’.

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